
Online Traders’ Club (Singapore), a non-profit organization formed in 2005, is a community of independent online traders who want

  • to network and meet like-minded traders,
  • to share their experience and knowledge, and
  • to learn from one another to become more successful in trading.

The club organises regular gatherings and courses for members to learn and interact physically, and maintains a library for members’ use to achieve their goals as successful traders.

Learn about your benefits as members.


Want to speak at an OTCS Workshop?

Please click here for details on how to be our invited speaker.



  • President: Mike Woo
  • Vice president: Richaard Chee
  • Secretary: Ian Low
  • Treasurer: Chiu Jia Yu
  • Assistant treasurer: Raymond Tan
  • Librarian: Mike Woo
  • Webmaster: Richaard Chee


Honorary auditor

  • Dr Neoh Ein Teck







AGM minutes & financials