2017-08-05 (Sat): Market outlook for rest of 2017 by Robin Ho


Workshop description

This OTCS workshop will have one main speaker and a bonus speaker.

Main segment by Robin Ho: Market Outlook rest of 2017 : The Most Uncertain Time In History For Stocks

Suitable for: Equity traders and investors

Market continues to defy gravity by taking new high! Global debts are at all time high; asset prices are in bubble territory and stocks are overvalued.

Fed is on track to hike interest rates despite of low inflation.

With the expectations of higher interest and unwinding of US balance sheet in the last quarter of the year, what is the outlook for the 2nd half?

Robin Ho is a much sought-after speaker and he will share his views and market outlook in this exclusive OTCS workshop.

Bonus segment by Ellain Tan

A short sharing session on having a well balance Investment Portfolio, deploying the various asset classes for wealth accumulation and during retirement.


About speaker: Robin Ho

Robin Ho has trained thousands of remisiers and traders since 2004, and he is a much sought after and highly rated speaker at investment fairs and seminars. With a successful professional trading track record, he was appointed by SGX Academy as one of their trainers since 2012.

Robin Ho is also a top tier trader and remisier with Phillip Capital, and is one of their most active and successful trader. He is particularly well-known for his ability to translate complex and difficult trading and investment concepts into plain language, and the use of real life experiences, easy to understand illustrations and case studies to help the the audience understand better.

He has developed his own proprietary trading system that focuses on Price Action, which he believes is the answer to the volatile market today. He believes that many traders fail today because they have been employing long term and traditional indicators to short term trading, and to achieve trading mastery, traders must understand market behaviour and develop a trading strategy that fits the trader’s profile.


About speaker: Ellain Tan

Ellain Tan is one of the many recognized top tier remisiers and manages one of the largest Financial Planning Agencies in Phillip Capital. She holds multi-licenses namely Trading Representative, Financial Adviser, and Futures. Dedicated in her service to her clients, she conducts regular complimentary workshop on Fundamental and Technical Analysis to equip her clients with the relevant tools for their investment. She also nurtures new advisors in their pursuit of careers in the company.



All are welcome!

  • Free for OTCS members
  • S$20 for non-members
    (Or join as a member at venue for just S$60/yr – Time limited offer!)

(Come with a friend or two, but kindly get them to register too.)



  • Date: 5 Aug 2017 (Sat)
  • Time: 9.30am – 1pm (Registration starts 9am)
  • Venue: Phillip Securities. 250 North Bridge Road, #06-00 Raffles City Tower, Singapore 179101 (map)
  • Food: Boxed meals for lunch, first come first served, while stocks last
  • Registration is compulsory as seats are limited.

Click here to register!
