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Webinar description
0 DTE Credit Spreads and Iron Condors in SPX
Speaker: Tammy Chambless
Tammy Chambless has been an options trader for 15 years and has over 30 years of experience trading stocks. After retiring in 2017, she trades and researches options full time.
She has developed several options strategies include the 7 DTE Short Puts in RUT/IWM, Double Calendar trades, and 0 DTE Credit Spreads and Iron Condors in SPX with extensive research and backtesting of each of these.
Tammy loves to share her knowledge with others freely and loves helping other traders become profitable.
Her return so far this year using the 0 DTE Credit Spreads and Iron Condors strategy is 25%. Since starting this strategy in mid-2019, this strategy has been her most profitable and most reliable strategy, with no overnight risk which has been important in these economic times.
Tammy will share her complete strategy in this Webinar
- Benefits of this strategy
- Entry, management and adjustments
- Modifications for trading in low or high volatility environments
- Why this strategy works so well
- Research and backtesting results
There will be a Q&A segment for you to ask questions.
Who can benefit by attending
- Options traders.
About Tammy Chambless
Tammy Chambless has been an options trader for 15 years and has over 30 years of experience trading stocks.
She was a principal architect with GFF Architects in Dallas, TX until retiring in 2017, and she now trades and researches options full time.
She has developed several options strategies include the 7 DTE Short Puts in RUT/IWM, Double Calendar trades, and 0 DTE Credit Spreads and Iron Condors in SPX with extensive research and backtesting of each of these.
She primarily trades her own accounts, and does not consider herself a professional trader, but just a regular trader like many of you.
Tammy loves to share her knowledge with others freely and loves helping other traders become profitable.
Her return so far this year using the 0 DTE Credit Spreads and Iron Condors strategy is 25%. Since starting this strategy in mid-2019, this strategy has been her most profitable and most reliable strategy, with no overnight risk which has been important in these economic times.
Tammy is also a moderator on the Facebook Group “TastyTrade Options” where she posts her research.
All are welcome!
- Free for OTCS members
- Free for Public/Non-members too! (So invite your friends!)
(Share this Webinar with a friend or two, but kindly get them to register too.)
- Date: 13 Aug 2020 (Thu)
- Time:
- 9pm – 11.30pm Singapore time (Webinar room opens 8.45pm Singapore time)
- 8am – 10.30am US Central Time (Webinar room opens 7.45am US Central Time)
- For other time zones/countries, please click here for timing.
- Venue: Webinar. Access from any connected devices. Nothing to install.
- Please update your desktop/mobile browser to latest version (e.g. Chrome)
- Registration is compulsory as Webinar capacity is limited.
Media partners
Click here to watch the Webinar replay and slides PDF