2021-08-19 (Thu): How to Profit from Seasonal Trends – Ang Kar Yong


Webinar description


How to Profit from Seasonal Trends

Speaker: Ang Kar Yong

Some stocks have seasonal trends, just like the weather: Spring, followed by Summer, then Autumn, then Winter. The question is, how can you find and profit from the seasonal trends of stocks?

Kar Yong is a successful independent trader, who is also an expert in spotting and profiting from trading the seasonal trends of stocks.

Some of his seasonal trades have each net him over 30% gains within a few months.

Join us in this Webinar, where Kar Yong will share his insights on how you can profit from the seasonal trends of stocks.

Key learning points include:

  • How to combine seasonal trends and technical analysis to increase your probability of success.
  • Discover a simple technical pattern to identify the direction to trade.
  • Using a simple entry technique to execute your trades.
  • Understand the advantage of empirical data to support your trading decision.

There will be a Q&A segment for you to ask questions.


Speaker: Ang Kar Yong


Kar Yong started trading with just a humble US$500 when he was only 21, and within 2 years, he managed to turn it into US$13,000. Owing to his success, he was featured on Singapore’s Channel NewsAsia Money Mind: Young Investors, and awarded the Most Popular FX Trainers in Malaysia and the Top Forex Analyst in Asia by WikiFX in 2019.

Today, Kar Yong is financially independent through trading and investing in the financial market. Having gone through the financial struggles during the early stages of his life, he understands how many people are also suffering the same guilt and shame in self-worth. Hence one of Kar Yong’s mission is to help people to achieve financial mastery and empower them to design the life they truly desire.

Having coached over hundreds of traders across Southeast Asia in navigating the financial market, he believes that anyone with the desire to do so can succeed in trading.


All are welcome!

  • Free for OTCS members
  • Free for Public/Non-members too! (So invite your friends!)

(Share this Webinar with a friend or two, but kindly get them to register too.)



  • Date: 19 Aug 2021 (Thu)
  • Time:
    • 7.30pm – 9.30pm Singapore time (Webinar room opens 7.15pm Singapore time)
    • 7.30am – 9.30am US Eastern Time (Webinar room opens 7.15am US Eastern Time)
    • https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com
  • Venue: Webinar. Access from any connected devices. Nothing to install.
  • Please update your desktop/mobile browser to latest version (e.g. Chrome)
  • Registration is compulsory as Webinar capacity is limited.


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