Cash Flow Maximisation & Value Investing Using Simple Short Puts
Speaker: KE Siong Yeo
Siong Yeo is a former corporate warrior turned full-time Options investor. Before taking the plunge into the world of investing, he was a Deputy Director in Health Promotion Board (HPB) responsible for the health outcomes of the very young population.
And prior to HPB, he had extensive experience in the commercial sector in both SMEs and MNCs in many roles from advertising, analytics, business development, to sales and marketing etc., but never in finance.
He pivoted to finance after learning about Options and discovering what possibilities Options offers in terms of income replacement to practitioners like everyone here in this community.
His pivot into Options is comparatively recent; he only started to invest using Options full-time in 2017 when he decided to leave corporate life behind. In his spare time, he also teaches retail investors how to invest using Options and he is also an Associate Trainer with NTUC LearningHub where he teaches on a part-time basis.
Siong Yeo‘s approach to investing is based on the philosophy of keeping things simple and uncomplicated. He uses only 4 main Options strategies –
- Short Puts
- Short Calls
- Long Calls
- Bull Put Spreads
Of these four, his preferred is the Short Puts and Short Covered Calls, but he uses predominantly the Short Puts strategy.
He has only one focus and that is consistency in cash flow generation from Options; his secondary focus is on acquiring quality stocks at fair values through the use of Options.
In this Webinar, we’ve invited Siong Yeo to share more about:
- How he makes his stock picks (spoiler alert: he prefers stocks that offer higher volatility) and what are his preferred stocks to do Options on,
- What are his main considerations – maximising cash flow generation versus positioning himself for a chance to acquire the stock at a fair or better price.
- How he executes his Short Puts – his consideration in terms of strike selection (spoiler alert: he can be a bipolar when it comes to execution – depending on his objective he will either select ATM or even ITM Short Puts Options strikes for some stocks, or choose a very far OTM strike)
- Examples of recent trades, or a live trade demonstration using the Interactive Broker or Tiger Broker platform, if appropriate.
There will be a Q&A segment for you to ask questions.
All are welcome!
- Free for OTCS members
- Free for Public/Non-members too! (So invite your friends!)
(Share this Webinar with a friend or two, but kindly get them to register too.)
- Date: 30 Apr 2024 (Tue)
- Time:
- 7.30pm – 9.30pm Singapore time (Webinar room opens 7.25pm Singapore time, GMT+8)
- 7.30am – 9.30am US EST (Webinar room opens 7.25am US EST)
Convert to other country/timezone.
- Venue: Webinar. Access from any connected devices. Nothing to install.
- Please update your desktop/mobile browser to latest version (e.g. Chrome)
- Registration is compulsory as Webinar capacity is limited.
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